Saturday, August 31, 2019

Comparing Ireland and Denmark ECC Essay

Choose two countries and compare their approaches to early childhood care and education. This essay will introduce and compare approaches to early childhood care and education in Denmark and Ireland. It will specifically focus on comparing the pedagogical approach, curriculum content and the inclusion of ethnic minority children aged 0-6 years attending early childhood settings in both countries. Provision of Services As one of the oldest nations within Europe, Denmark has made the welfare of families with children top priority within government. Under their Social Services Act, matters’ relating to the care and education of children is broken down. The Ministry of Social Services is responsible for day care facilities – dagtilbud, while the Ministry of Education is responsible for pre-school services – bornehaveklasse, primary and lower secondary and afterschool services and forest kindergartens are also available. These services are based on the rights of children outlined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (OECD, 2000). In Denmark children are not required to enter the primary school sector until they are seven years old. In Ireland, there has been very little funding and resources into the development of childcare provisions with many working families relying on family members or child-minders filling the gap. Full day care exists at a cost and sessional services either morning or afternoon are in operation. In 2010, the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs introduced a voluntary, universal free pre-school year for children aged three years and two months and less than four years and seven months. For the year 2010/11, over 94% of eligible children were participating in the scheme (Dept. f Education & Skills, 2011). While it is compulsory for children to enter the primary education system at six years old, it is relevant to note that many children enter the system in the September, following their fourth birthday due to the lack of childcare provisions available. The Irish welfare state seems reliant on offering cash benefits rather than services especially for the youngest group of children 0-2 years (OECD, 2010). Pedagogy French, 2007 defines pedagogy as the practice or craft of teaching in the interactive process between teachers and learners and the learning nvironment which includes family and the community. Under Siolta, the national quality framework it is defined as the range of interactions to support the holistic development of children by embracing both care and education within settings. Denmark has a strong historical background in relation to the training of early care and education practitioners. The first training programme was implemented in 1885 for those working from the frobelian approach in education; this formed a basis for the two year study programme implemented in 1904. In 1992, an integrated training system was established to combine theory with practice. Those training to be social pedagogues complete three and a half year degree programme learning theoretical, culture based subjects and activity based subjects with stints in placement (OECD,2000). Ireland in comparison has yet to regulate for proper qualifications within the sector with only those working with pre-primary classes having the appropriate qualification – bachelor of education. In order for the pre-school year to be implemented room leaders must have a minimum qualification of a Level 5 major award in ECCE (Dept. of Education &Skills, 2011). Curriculum French, 2007, states that a curriculum being implemented in settings for children’s learning should contain a ‘body of knowledge with a clear set of goals and objectives’. The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) in 2004 wrote that curriculum refers to â€Å"all learning experiences, whether formal or informal, planned or unplanned, which contribute to a child’s development†. Denmark’s curriculum for children aged 0-6 years is predominately play based and incorporates the holistic development of children. Children work in partnership with the pedagogues throughout daily life. The main aims of the curriculum are to ensure children learn and experience the natural environment while gaining a true understanding of the Danish and other cultures represented. In 2004, a new law of pedagogical curriculum to â€Å"support, lead and challenge the learning of children† was introduced (Starting Strong 2, 2006). This outlined that all centres had the responsibility to outline their own curriculums with the cooperation of staff and passed by the board of parents and local authorities, the aspect of learning was not to become too structured. Six dimensions of aims as themes are to be represented within the curriculum. These include personal competences, social competences, language, body and movement, nature and nature phenomena and cultural forms of expression and values (Brostrom, 2006).

Friday, August 30, 2019

Diversity: Culture and America Essay

Beginning with the prospect of the American dream, diversity has been one of the most dominant characteristics of American society. During the nineteenth century, America was deemed a melting pot: a place where people of different ethnicities could co-exist. The idea of people being able to embrace commonalities without letting go of their culture has been the basis of the America that we live in today. This sense of collaboration, which comes with diversity, has created outlets for our citizens and opportunities for those foreign to our country. Diversity is one of the most beneficial aspects of not only America’s history, but its present and future. Diversity is what makes America unique. As said in Mirror on America by Leonard Pitts, â€Å"America is everyone else, a nation composed of other nations, a culture made of other cultures, a history built of other histories.† (Pitts, 82) Pitt’s statement clearly depicts the fact that although America is independent from other countries geographically, the integration of different ethnic groups defines American history. The acceptance of other cultures in America has not only brought over people from different countries, but also their: ideas, beliefs, and opinions. The rewards that we reap from foreign contributions are, but are not limited to, food variety, technological advances, open minded citizens and overall a more tolerant country. America is a place characterized as the land of the free; the diversity in our country is what keeps that statement relevant. Due to the effectiveness of diversity in the workplace, industries and organizations have spent an abundance of time incorporating diversity into their own companies. With the incorporation of diversity in advertisements, employees, and superior positions today’s workplace is more diverse than it has ever been. These implementations of diversity benefit companies by creating a comfortable environment for their buyers, thus stimulating the economy. Although some may argue that companies have not reached the goal of total equality, it has been said that immigrants do have a positive effect on America’s workplace. â€Å"Since the early days of the Republic, talented foreigners have streamed to our shores to till the soil, build industries, and turn the country into a scientific and technological powerhouse. They converted the U.S. into the first global nation, giving us adaptability, an intuitive feel for other cultures, and an innovative edge,† said David Gergen. ( Gergen, 93) In America, we have many immigrants who come here with the hope of becoming successful; those who strive to create a better America by working hard tend to achieve that goal. Those who are able to succeed in their endeavors have provided Americans with the adaptability that Gergen explains. Immigrants have been the brains and ideas of big named, American companies such as Intel, AT&T, Kraft, Google, Yahoo!, and eBay. To understand how immigrants make such an impact on America’s workforce and economy, one needs to think about why they come here in the first place. Immigrants leave their homelands to come to America because they think and believe that their skills will be put to the test. As also said by Gergen, â€Å"Talented foreigners are job creators, not job takers.† (Gergen, 94) Immigrants do bring new ideas and skills which can further create more, successful jobs. Based off of a June 2012 study published by the Fiscal Policy, they report that 18% of small business owners are immigrants. The same report found that among small businesses, for which at least half of the founders were immigrants, employed an estimated 4.7 million people. This diversity benefits America because it puts foreign skills and talents to the test in order to stimulate jobs as well as our economy. In conclusion, with allowing diversity to continue to be a part of America, we can encounter many things other countries cannot. We can continue to accept different people and their ideas to create new jobs and opportunities. We can also accept their opinions to allow America to grow and continue being a strong nation. Last but not least, we can give people from all around the world the â€Å"American dream.† Works Cited Gergen, David. â€Å"A Smart Exception.† Mirror on America: Essays and Images from Popular Culture. 5th ed. Ed Mims, Joan T, and Nollen, Elizabeth M. Boston: Bedford St Martin’s, 2012. 93-94. Print Pitts, Leonard Jr. â€Å"History Tells Hard Stories of Ethnic Clashes.† Mirror on America: Essays and Images from Popular Culture. 5th ed. Ed Mims, Jonas T, and Nollen, Elizabeth M. Boston, Bedford, 2012. 81-82. Print Denhart, Michael. â€Å"The U.S. Needs More Immigrants to Grow the Economy and Create Jobs.† Huffington Post 26 September 2012. Web

Thursday, August 29, 2019

MEDIA ETHICS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

MEDIA ETHICS - Essay Example However, he does not take sides with his country, the USA, in its conspiracy. Although the President releases a statement Wilson’s investigation, these are contrary to Wilson’s findings. Wilson does not accept the president’s misinterpretation of the findings. He therefore, goes ahead to publish his own account of the investigation, making it available to the public. This therefore, conflicts with Bush’s statement. Wilson was courageous and stood for the truth, not letting anything to compromise his truth. He refused to sit back and watch how the truth was being violated publicly. Therefore, he acted. By coming out publicly to make the truth available to the people, through publishing this article, I compare Wilson to the philosopher W.D, Ross, who developed a moral system called â€Å"intuitionist,† which claims that individuals are inherently aware of their moral obligations (Plaisance 10). Therefore, when Wilson came out fearlessly and published the article, no one had forced him to do so. Deep down, he knew he had the responsibility of performing his moral duties. Ross’ philosophy also holds that a person has a responsibility of honoring their moral standards and principles (Plaisance 10). Therefore, one of Wilson’s moral values must have been truthfulness, which is why he had to honor it by publishing the article to bring out the truth. In this philosophy, Ross also believed that the moral values one must honor include fidelity, justice, not harming others, and self-improvement (Plaisance 10). The values of fidelity, justice, and not harming others coinc ide with Wilson’s actions. He was against Bush’s propaganda of war with Iraq, since he knew this would cause harm to the Iraqis, as well as the US soldiers, who would die in the war. Wilson upholds justice, because he did not want the USA government to accuse Iraq falsely. Finally, he shows fidelity when he investigates the case, presents truthful findings, and ensures false statements

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Thomas Paine's 'Common Sense' Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Thomas Paine's 'Common Sense' - Essay Example From this situation, the best scenario is that these people create the laws by which they will live under themselves. This does not explicitly refer to the American colonists, but it does imply their current state at that time. Paine then turns his attack directly towards the British government by arguing that the system contradicts itself and places too much power on the monarchy. Furthermore, the monarchy itself is corrupt because the very idea of a monarch was formed out of a false argument. The people can choose who they want to be king in the first place, yet they have no choice about the king’s descendants. This presents an opportunity for greed and corruption as no one will dare to stop the monarch from continuing this practice. Paine argues that America should have the freedom to choose its leaders so that the leadership of the country will not remain within one extended family. Furthermore, Paine dispels the myth that America could not survive without the help of Britain by arguing that America has progressed to a point where it can flourish on its own two feet. Loyalists would claim that America has only progressed to what it was then because of the help of the king, and also the protection that has been provided to fend off outside enemies. Paine comments that Britain has only been doing this in order to look after its own interests. He even gives an example of British troops attacking some American colonies, although the British would protest this view and say that they have only been looking after America the whole time. Paine remarks that America has no benefit to remain linked with Britain because America can engage in more profitable trade with the rest of Europe. The British argument would be that the colonies can remain strong by trading with Britain because trade will benefit everyone. However, Paine says that trade will only benefit Britain beca use the British only see the colonies as a means

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Places Where I Do Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Places Where I Do Research - Essay Example The public library that I have been for research is at (supply the name of the public library near you). It also has an extensive collection of books but I am quite uncomfortable with the place because I am not familiar with it not to mention that everybody is a stranger. Since the school library is located in the campus of the university where I attend, all of the people there are also students like me. I know many of them who frequents there either as friend, classmates or acquiantances. The others are familiar to me by face because we have already met in the campus although we do not know each other personally. The distribution of the people who goes to my school library can be said to be homogenous and heterogenous. Homogenous because all of them are students of the same school I attend. It can also be heterogeneous because as a people, there are quite a variety of them. There are men, women, caucasian, hispanics, asians, blacks who goes there. The kind of information they resear ch also varies depending on the course they are taking. Just like me, they also have choices to research on other places such as public library or even the internet. With regard to the public library, my observation is that almost all people there are strangers and that includes me. There were only very few ocassion where I observed that people know each other there. Perhaps due to the nature of library being public, that anybody can go there so its readership base is not only confined to a small group of people that knows each other. For me, I cannot establish any homogeneity among those who frequents in a public library. Everybody is just different because the people who goes there comes from different walks of life unlike in the school library where the people who goes there are only my fellow students and professors. The interactions of people who goes to in these two places are very different even if they are the same library. In the school library, you can observe that the stu dents who goes there are very comfortable with the place as what I can observe in their body language. Body language is an accurate determinant of a person’s connection with a place as Eckartsberg explained in his study that â€Å"by means of his body and through the specialized perceiving sensibilities of his body, a person is continuously connected with aspects of his world† (256). The way they sit, browse through the aisles, walk, place there books on the table etch speaks of their familiarity of the place. There is also a sense of community in the school library, where we recognize each other by subtle body language (like smile and a hello) those who comes in our path. It can also be categorized as cordial especially if friends meet there (although it is not really a place for socialization). Even the staffs are known to us that asking them about a particular book or journal is very easy. Also, if most of the seats are occupied that there can be no seat apart from each student, I can always sit beside a fellow student where I am typically welcomed by a smile. I have not done this in a public library and made sure that there are several seats apart between me and the closest researcher because I do not know how the other people will react if I will sit close to him or her. I have this feeling that if I will sit beside a fell

Monday, August 26, 2019

Slavery and Race in the USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Slavery and Race in the USA - Essay Example 'Racism' started its origin from the field of sports when baseball distinguished between two teams, 'blacks' and 'whites'. The teams used to show sense of honour when the communities to which they represented, win. It was due to the separate block of black institutions that caused feelings of a separate 'race' among black Americans. Kelly & Lewis (2000) writes that it was the utmost efforts of those segregated institutions to exclude black community from every walk of American life including education, jobs, civil services etc. Even the situation got worse when in many cases it was observed that African Americans started paying heavy taxes and duties in order to acquire public facilities which were free of cost for Americans, hence the Great War was an eye opening occurrence for blacks, after which they realised to be a separate identity from that of whites, and that whites never accepted them. The main reason was the 'stamp' of slavery on blacks, for which the whites still considere d them as slaves. World War I where on one hand infused the spirit of 'democracy' among African Americans, on the other hand it remain failed to cope up with the segregated units, which started building among blacks and whites. Blacks possessed the view, which negated the presence of any skin colour, so they expected whites to behave with them in accordance with equality and justice. Hence the new understanding of social relations of the world war rights era authorised African Americans thereby giving new dimensions of race, class and ethnicity. Worst situations were created after Afro- Americans started getting urbanised. After the new perception which whites taught the blacks, blacks considered white Americans to be their worst opponents, which would never turn into their allies. The main reason behind such attitude was the experience of blacks which majority acquired. Collins (2004) writes that blacks were directly or indirectly affected by the racial discrimination identified by whites. World War I infused a new seed of hatred that strengthened the bond of 'racial discrimination' among the whites and blacks. In 1930s racial discrimination went on its peak after blacks joined umpteen gangs who used to create violence among those areas influenced by whites' majority. According to Collins (2004) 1 "African Americans were often accused of the crime of raping White women which resulted in lynching". (Collins, 2004, p. 222) Such violent acts gave rise to many civil rights organisations like NAACP (National Association for Advancement of Colored People) and National Urban League, which worked, for the rights of black communities. Harlem Renaissance Among the major problems created by World War was the urbanisation of African Americans due to the isolation they were confronted to. This isolation created classes among various black groups. The whites already did the segregation, now the rest of the task was carried out by black ghettos. Urbanisation increased the emergence of a gay, lesbian, and bisexual presence within urban African American communities. (Collins,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Explain the concept of mercantilism. Give concrete examples of Research Paper

Explain the concept of mercantilism. Give concrete examples of governments pursuing mercantilist policies. Is mercantilism still alive today Explain your answer with details - Research Paper Example The protection was also achievable through the creation of a stability of exports over imports, consequently leading to the accumulation of bullion. In the present world, countries pursue industrial policies as part of the gradually emerging theory of strategic trade.3 In this case, the intention is to stimulate the nation’s economic growth, which is a form of neo-mercantilism. In the current society, neo-mercantilism is based on the thought that international markets regulate economies. China is an example of a country pursuing mercantilist policies. The economic policy in China is about achieving autarky.4 The mercantilist policies in China defend their companies through unfairly spur exports and reduce imports. Such policies do not only protect the Chinese firms, but also the foreign firms operating in China. These policies are inclusive of currency manipulation, relatively high tariffs, and tax incentives for exports. Conversely, China controls foreign purchases in a manner that somewhat forces technological transfer to the state. These policies deny foreign establishments critical inputs, which is a form of mercantilism. Other countries pursuing the mercantilist policies through innovation are inclusive of Malaysia india, Indonesia, Turkey, and Philippines among others. Most of the aforementioned countries impose high tariffs on some of their ICT goods.5 Through innovation mercantilism, these countries force foreign entities to accept domestic sourcing necessar y for production requirements or technology transfers. They impose these practices as a condition for the entities to gain market

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Case Study of Trend Forecasting Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Case Study of Trend Forecasting Company - Essay Example The researcher states that popular with the world’s trendy youth and relevant with the fashion leaders, is, by far, the most reactive, and, as a result, has the upper hand on the other forecasting spots. This is mainly because the company always practices a habit of uploading the newest trends statistics almost immediately after receiving it. This essay discusses how business activities and technology have combined in recent years, resulting to interwoven systems and strategies for all matters relating to the two. This is a principal factor that all ventures have to consider for their continued existence and survival in the future. In addition, the researcher mentiones that current innovations concerning business structures, leadership, and market targeting also play a key factor in the rise or fall of business. The fashion industry, that was analyzed in the essay is a delicate and unemotional modern business. In this field, relevancy and accurate results are the key factors that determine continued business opportunities and prosperity. The Company has placed much focus and resources towards various key factors regarding its operations. In the near future, it is planning to enhance its information network in order to get accurate data for dissemination. The venture has also heavily invested in the latest technology and tools that are relevant to its fashion outline. In addition, it is also working on expanding its web page in a way that the consumers will avail updated information in real time.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Children and the Internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Children and the Internet - Essay Example The aim of this paper is to explore the reasons why parents should monitor the time their children spend on the internet, and show the serious dangers that children come across when their internet time is not being supervised. It is very strange that some parents, who are normally very protective of their children, supervise their behavior in public spaces and warn them against the dangers of the strangers with candy; are not aware that internet is also a public sphere full with dangerous people. The biggest danger of the internet is that it is a virtual space. Hence, when parents think that their children are safe at home in the privacy their rooms, they are neither safe nor private if they have an unsupervised internet connection in their rooms. Thus, the internet creates an illusion of safety and privacy, while the children engage in various activities in the social networking sites. While some parents, whose children are probably better at using technology, are unaware the danger s of the internet; some people, including the educators, know its dangers but still advocate unmonitored internet usage in the name of â€Å"teen privacy†. ... Hence, monitoring internet activities of the children has nothing to do with their privacy, since they engage in social activities on the internet. Frances Jacobson Harris is one of the people, who underestimate the threats of the internet posed to the children. In her article â€Å"Teens and Privacy: Myths and Realities†, she called the parental concern with regard to the dangers of the internet as â€Å"technopanic†. Indeed, she seems very naive in a sense that she resorts to the testimonies of her students as evidence of her rather weak arguments. She simply believes that children would automatically block the sexual predators and she supports her naive â€Å"belief† with her students’ responses like this: â€Å"This guy wouldn't give up asking to meet me in real life (through a game site) so I blocked him.† And this is â€Å"end of story† for her (76). However, students’ responses to the casual questions of their teacher are far fr om being credible sources for an article; thus, her argument is not convincing. Plus, her students’ responses would not change the fact that many children still fell victim to the sexual predators. Indeed, Prevent Child Abuse Kentucky warns families and asks them not to be naive and think â€Å"my child knows better† (3). In â€Å"Internet Safety Toolkit†, they point out the fact that â€Å"predators are skilled at using manipulation. They portray themselves to be a friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, mentor or confidant to a child and even sometimes to the child’s parents or caregivers as well. They sometimes make themselves out to be helpful, interested and wanting to improve the life of their potential victim in some way† (3). Hence, children may not automatically block the masters of sexual manipulation as Harris

Journal 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Journal 4 - Essay Example This shows that the size of the inferno is too big for the people on the run to control, as they need to secure their lives first. At the fore, middle, and background, the artist paints most of the ventilations of the building including the doors and the windows in black color to put emphasis on the magnitude of the smoke inside the building. By a keen glance at the middle ground, the painter has made use of horizontal lines on the building with short vertical lines cutting between the horizontal lines as an indication that the multistory structure is either a stone or a block building. Although the artist in this painting presents a number of scenes, the focus of this painting is at the fore ground where he portrays people escaping out of the building through the main exit route. The painter manages to catch and retain the attention of the viewers by the yellow color and curvy shape of the flames and smoke with several people taking to their heels, meaning that there is an impending danger. This style of art is a painting because the artist has used various colors, shapes, and lines in his image. The main reason that prompted the concerned artist to come up with this particular piece of art could have been the plight of lowly and neglected that constantly encountered such challenges as home infernos with little or no help from the authorities. Although there were several pieces of art, this one came from an artist who was one of the renowned artists globally in the 1960s and so he quality of his artistic works were always guaranteed. Besides, he depicted in his painting an issue that touches on social and moral responsibility, as his focus was to expose the predicaments of the then refugees. I can say that the humanitarian aspect of the painting resonated with me personally due to the compassionate aspect of my character and I guess this might have been one of the driving forces behind my choice. The image invokes my benevolence side, as it encourages

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Country Analysis- India Essay Example for Free

Country Analysis- India Essay India functions on a democratic system, which heavily influences the political situation of the country. However, this democracy stems from a caste system. A caste system is a social grouping that combines a group of particular members based on specific professions and usually leads to the isolation of each individual caste. The Indian people adopted the caste system to create an easy differentiation of communities and neighborhoods. Recently in India there has been a relaxing of the caste system depending on the part of India in which you are looking. In the cities you will see more of an intermingling and mix of the higher caste systems but as you explore the rural areas, you find a traditional form of the caste system. In recent years India has become the largest democracy in the world. The economy is highly affected by the political situation in India. The country suffers from high unemployment and poverty as two of its main issues that currently influence the economic standing of the country. With two opposing parties with vastly different views for the vision of the economy the country is found being pulled for a free market economy and an economy that strongly opposes globalization and favors a â€Å"land-for-all† attitude. (â€Å"Politics of India†) In India the legal situation highly resembles a common law model that is found in England today but is clout with Indian culture. In the courts India has a judge that acts as a neutral party that enforces the law fairly amongst each party. The government too has three branches: the executive, the judiciary and the legislative. The courts hold a common theme of carrying out justice to the people. (Srikrishna) One article says, â€Å"According to Gallups annual public opinion polls, India is perceived by Americans as their 7th favorite nation in the world† (â€Å"India-United State Relations†) Based off this observation, the relationship between the United States of American and India seems to be quite close and cordial. However, this does not mean the countries have always agreed on every matter. Back in the late 1990’s when Atal Bihari Vajpayee became the Prime Minister he began to authorize testing of nuclear weapons and the United Sates chose to form against them and eventually was mandated to cut off economic ties. In 2001 the United States under the Clinton administration began to have economic discussion, opening the door for the Bush administration to partake in close monitoring of India’s nuclear weapons and began strengthening the economic ties. The two countries have really come together in times of need such as  the attacks on September 11,2001 and the December 2004 tsunamis. The most recent development in the relationship is under the pressing of the Obama administration. Right out of the gate of the first term of his presidency, President Obama addressed the issue of the Indian-American relationship and said that he was going to take the steps necessary â€Å"further strengthen the excellent bilateral relationship† (â€Å"India-United State Relations†) This goal was communicated vastly amongst the administration, assuring the citizens of both countries that it was a beneficial relationship. The main person taking care of this relationship is Hilary Clinton. As time passed the country of India became concerned that the relationship was not being as cared for like they were assured would be done. Rather they believed the United States was more focused on their relationship with China and eventually the country of Pakistan. The issues of the bilateral relationship continued to struggle for some time, even after a visit to the White House from Prime Minister Singhin November 2010, which was to hopefully fix or strengthen the relationship. In May 2010 President Obama communicated that shared values, interests and the two larges democracies established the partnership between the United States and India. (â€Å"India-United State Relations†) The economic relation between the United States and India has been continuing to be strengthened since the Clinton administration where the bilateral economic dialogue was established. This is a system where the accountability for consultations amongst multiple high powers. (See exhibit A) (â€Å"Embassy of India†) Since this original discussion; there have been multiple dialogue mechanisms to strengthen the bilateral relationship on the economy and trade issues. This includes different forums and financial partnerships. In the first seven or so months of the year 2013 the United States of America increased the percent they did trade with India 7.4%. (â€Å"Embassy of India†) The relationship of the United States and India is perfectly summed up by the words of the National Security adviser Shivshankar Menon, From a time when we dealt with each other formally, sometimes warily, we today have a full spectrum relationship, between our governments, our peoples and our institutions. (Menon) In the year 2011 the Gross National Product increased over 8 billion INR, an increase of 11,846.1 INR since 2010. It has a forecast of following a trend and reaching almost 9 billion INR for the next year. This is also a steady view of how the inflation levels have  effected the GNP of India and will continue do so in the future. (See exhibit B) (No current data was found) (â€Å"India Gross National Product†) The most current GNP per capita was calculated using the PPP to the US dollar using the atlas method divided by a midyear population. In 2011 in India, the GNP resulted to be $1,420.00 at a ranking of 142/191. In consideration of the past is a very steady increase, however, in comparison the U.S it is hardly an increase at all. (â€Å"India-GNI per capita) As of 2006 India spends 3.11% of their gross national product on their education system. Looking to increase this percentage over the years and have lowered the illiteracy rate by 2015. (â€Å"Infochange India†) Today when discussing the opportunity for a company, of any kind, but especially a U.S company, to manufacture in India the support to do so is quite present. One major benefit of manufacturing in India is that the government has been putting into place a plan of action to create a substantial steady flow of economic progress and one of the crucial aspects is through manufacturing. It began in 2010 with the implementation of a Manufacturing Policy, that industry and the government fully supports. The plan began with the rubber industry in India and where they were choosing to invest, it has continued into medical supplies, a chocolate factory and a huge factory by the direct marketing company, Amway. The Prime Minister has stated that the commitment of expanding the manufacturing in India is of highest priority for the economic growth of the country. (â€Å"Manufacturing Sector in India†) Another great aspect of pursuing manufacturing in India versus a country like China is the possibility of lower wages in India, China continues to raise the minimum wage. There is also the language barrier that disappears when you choose to manufacture in India versus another foreign country with a different native tongue. There is also a younger work force in India than in China and with a similar government as that of the United States it is easier to do business. (Shilling) With all the rage to rush off and pursue manufacturing in India there are those who have doubts, like the unknown author of the article in The Economist, the author says, â€Å"If India is to become ‘the next China’—a manufacturing powerhouse—it is taking its time about it.† (â€Å"Manufacturing in India†) When it comes to a company from the United States and whether or not to compete in India, there is good support that says to go for it. Now a days we have so many jobs outsourced to India it seems foolish to not take it a step further. Particularly in the software industry, there is a large convention that is held there annually and the United States is greatly underrepresented and most likely missing out on big opportunities, because the reality is that the show will go on with out the U.S present. India has been focusing on the service industry over the last years but are now moving towards an industrial form of business. Also present is a strong entrepreneurial spirit, which can be wonderful for a new company coming in because the people will be willing to get in on the ground floor of an international operation, as well as bring new ideas and twists to the table. (â€Å"Americans Should Jump on the India Wave†) Another aspect in general to approach entering any country competitively is the exchange rate and currency. Look into how the country performs monetarily and see how the exchange rate and inflation will affect your business on the day-to-day operations but also over time. (Aimes) When going back and looking at the idea of manufacturing and competing in India based off the Economic Freedom Index, the index can mean multiple things for both. In general India is a 55.2 out of 100 in Economic Freedom. This is 119th out of 177, (not including Lybia) while the United States is scores a 76.0 sitting at the top as number 10 of 177. When assessing the index with the idea of a company from the Unite States manufacturing in India I look the factors that influence the index such as the labor freedom, this looks into the aspect of the legality of the labor market of the country, or in our case, India. This means that as a company we have to be cautious not to abuse or practice the immoral practice of extremely low wages or poor work conditions. As far as competing the issue that stands out to me pertaining to the EFI is the corrupt factor, with a low score like India, as a company one would need to watch closely at the practices taking place overseas. (â€Å"Index of Economic Freedom†) The Human Development Index in India is found in the medium HDI. Since 2011 India’s HDI decreased by 2 but is forecasted to increase .07 over the next year. The HDI refers to how the country’s population is take care of, such as life expectancy, education,  etc. This covers the wellbeing of the citizens of the country; I think this affects the manufacture and competitive aspect equally. If the people are not taken care of who is going to manage and operate the company, as an organization it would just be something that must be kept in mind. (â€Å"Human Development Index†) Pertaining to the Global Competitiveness Report it is hard to know how they would affect us because as a country India is not present in the top 30 for the last four years. So the assumption is made the India is not as competitive as portrayed by some people, but that does not mean there is no room for growth. (â€Å"Global Competitiveness Report†) India holds a score of 36 on the corruption perceptions index; this means that again when looking into entering the country either with manufacturing or competitive ambition one must asses the risk that is going be taken, such as how will the government treat your corporation as well as how will the patrons of the country view your corporation. (â€Å"Corruptions Perception Index†) Last but definitely not least another report that is very useful in assessing the want to on pursuing a manufacture or competitive is the World Press Freedom Index. India is in the difficult situation range in this index meaning, that freedom of speech is kind of difficult to actually have because the government watches closely to what is being spoken and said about their country and the people in it. (â€Å"Reporters without Borders†) Based off the indexes and other information presented above do not believe as a company of the United States need to enter the market in India. I believe this is so because of the uncertainty of the market, as stated above India has great potential to grow and be the next China but it has been heading in that direction since the 1950’s and not much change is evident. There are aspects about the country that would be desirable to enter into and if doing so I recommend the company use the strategy of global standardization. This strategy uses the low cost of the country to its advantage and in the United States outsourcing is chosen for that very reason, so instead of just outsourcing I believe it would be wise to use this method to pursue a start up of an international branch in a country like India where there is low labor cost and where it is not necessary for the people to respond due to the fact that there is a low economic freedom and instead it relies more on the main office back in the United States rather than the host country, or in our case, India. (Aimes) Exhibits Exhibit A Exhibit B Works Cited Aimes, Frederico. Foreign Exchange. Online Lecture, Stillwater. 07 Oct. 2013. Lecture . Aimes, Frederico. International Business Strategy. Lecture. International Management Lecture. D2L, Stillwater. 09 Oct. 2013. Web. 09 Oct. 2013. Americans Should Jump on the India Wave. Web log post. N.p., 21 Feb. 2012. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. Corruption Perceptions Index. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 Aug. 2013. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. Embassy of India Washington DC (official Website) United States of America Economic Relations. Embassy of India Washington DC (official Website) United States of America Economic Relations. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. Global Competitiveness Report. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Sept. 2013. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. Index of Economic Freedom. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 June 2013. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. India GNI per Capita. India. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. India GDP per Capita. TRADING ECONOMICS. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. India Gross National Product. TRADING ECONOMICS. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. India–United States Relations. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 May 2013. Web. 10 Oct. 2013. Infochange India. India Invests Just 3.3% of Its GNP on Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. List of Countries by Human Development Index. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 26 Sept. 2013. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. Manufacturing in India: The Masala Mittelstand. Editorial. The Economist 11 Aug. 2012: n. pag. The Economist. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. Manufacturing Sector in India. , Manufacturing Industry, Indian Industries. India Brand Equity Foundation, Sept. 2013. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. Menon, Shivshankar. India, US Ties Have Come a Long Way: Shivshankar Menon. The Economic Times. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. Politics of India. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 June 2013. Web. 10 Oct. 2013. Reporters Without Borders. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 Oct. 2013. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. Shilling, A. Gary. Why India Will Displace China as Global Growth Engine. Bloomberg, 16 Dec. 2012. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. Srikrishna, B. N. (2008) The Indian Legal System, International Journal of Legal Information: Vol. 36: Iss.2, Article 8. Available at:

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Analysis of International Relations Theory

Analysis of International Relations Theory INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS THEORY Why do states behave the way they do in the international system? Some people argue that this is a question of international relations theory while others say it is a question of foreign policy theory[1]. For our purposes, we shall consider them as the same issue. The behaviour of the states is the central question which the theories of International Relations or theories of foreign policy are trying to answer. Various authors develop theory to explain the behaviour of ‘all states’ and not just ‘one state’ which leads to the problem. No single theory is able to encompass all states. Finding a universal pattern has evaded us so far and the various theories stated are only an attempt to get one theory which defines the behaviour of most of the states. Few of these theories are briefly touched upon in the following paragraphs. Realism. Realists believe that the international system is defined by anarchy. States are sovereign and thus autonomous of each other and no inherent structure or society can emerge or even exist to order relations between them. In International Relations, political realism is a tradition of analysis that stresses the imperatives states face to pursue a power politics of the national interest[2]. Realist emphasises the constraints on politics imposed by human selfishness (‘egoism’) and the absence of international government (‘anarchy’), which require ‘the primacy in all political life of power and security[3]. Classical realism. This is a state level theory that argues that all states search for power and this is the first and last principle of state behaviour. States seek to increase their power; they seek to decrease the power of their enemies; and everything they do is in the name of amassing power. States see other powerful states as rivals because power, when it is not in your hands, is threatening[4]. There can be peace. However, a durable peace is based upon a unwavering balance of power. If a state is not confident of winning a war, it generally will not start one. Neo-realism. This theory suggests a system that is an offshoot of classical realism. It agrees to all of what classical realism does. However, it sees the cause of all the power struggles and rivalries not as a function of the nature of states, but as a function of the nature of the international system[5]. States are considered as being alone in the arena of the world. There is no world government or a set up looking out for other states. There are no rules that can’t be broken. The world is in a set of lawlessness and states do what they can get away with in order to gain power. States do what they must to protect themselves. This theory dominates scholarly thinking today and is sometimes referred to in respect of the international relations prevalent in South Asia[6]. Neo-Classical realism. This theory is in a way restoration of classical realism. It accepts all about power rivalries, but it suggests that state characteristics (state level variables) play a major role in the behaviour of states. States don’t just search for power. They do not simply fear other powerful states but there are reasons that states seek power and there are reasons that states fear other states. It’s a sort of combination of classical realism and neo-realism that factors in both system level and state level variables. Liberalism. The Liberalism theory adds values into the equation. It is often called idealism. It is a state level theory which argues that there is a lot of cooperation in the world, not just rivalry. States don’t just compete or worry about power. States try to build a more just world order. For liberals, peace is the normal state of affairs. In Kant’s words, peace can be perpetual[7]. Neo-liberalism. This is an offshoot of liberalism. It is a system level translation of liberalism and focuses on the way in which institutions can influence the behaviour of states by spreading values or creating rule-based behaviour[8]. Neo-liberals might focus on the role of the United Nations or World Trade Organization in shaping the foreign policy behaviour of states. Rationalism. This theory, like realism begins with anarchy but unlike realism, it acknowledges that the sense of belonging to the community of humankind has left its civilising mark upon the state and international relation[9]. Constructivism is a theory that examines state behaviour in the context of state’s characteristics. All states are distinctive and have a set of defining economic, political, social, religious or cultural characteristics that influence its foreign policy. States have identities and those identities characterise their behaviour in the international system. A late-twentieth-century addition to international relations, Constructivism has returned international relations scholars to the foundation questions including the nature of state and the concepts of sovereignty, identity and citizenship. In addition, it has opened new substantive areas to enquire such as role of gender and ethnicity which has been largely absent from other theories[10]. Marxism, Critical Theory, Post Modernism, Feminism, Green Politics, English School and Critical Theory are few other popular theories in regards to International theories. Each author is developing a theory in order to explain the behaviour of all states and not just few of them. Finding a common pattern of activity, common rules that can be used to explain why all state behave in a manner has not been possible so far. Hence, trying to analyse the relations between two countries on the datum of these existing theory will not be doing justice. Scholars see several levels of analysis through which state behaviour can be examined and these form the basis of IR theories itself. These levels shall be discussed in the following paragraphs. Levels of Analysis System level. This level of analysis examines state behaviour by looking at the international system. In this level of analysis, the international system acts as the cause which leads to the effect of state behaviour. Any change in the international system causes change in state behaviour. State level. This level of analysis examines the foreign policy behaviour of states in terms of state’s characteristics. The state’s characteristics foreign policy may be simply manifestation of its cultural characteristic or may be defined by the religious or social traditions, historical legacy of the state, the economic nature and geographic nature of the state. Organisational level. This level of analysis examines the way in which organisations within state influence foreign policy behaviour. If this level is dominant, the States does not make decisions. Organisations negotiate with each other to create a foreign policy that is a settlement between competing organisations. Individual level. This level of analysis focuses on people. Since people are the ones who make decisions within nation states, therefore, it can be said that it is these people who govern foreign policy. This level of analysis explains foreign policy by looking at the way leaders understand /perceive the world. Although all scholars acknowledge the utility of paying attention to levels of the analysis, they differ on how many levels are useful in explaining events. Most political scientists apply between three and six levels[11]. For the purpose of this paper, above four levels will be considered for the analysis of Indo-Sri Lankan relations. [1] Newmann,Bill. ‘A Brief Introduction to Theories on International Relations and Foreign Policy’. Retrieved on 02 Dec 14.> [2] Burchill,Scott, et al. Theories of International relations. Third Edition. 2005. New York. Palgrave Macmilan.P 29 [3] Ibid. P 30 [4] Newmann,Bill. ‘A Brief Introduction to Theories on International Relations and Foreign Policy’. Retrieved on 02 Dec 14.> [5] Ibid. [6] Newmann,Bill. ‘A Brief Introduction to Theories on International Relations and Foreign Policy’. Retrieved on 02 Dec 14.> [7] Burchill,Scott , Linklater,Andrew, et al. Theories of International Relations. First edition. 1996. New York and London. Macmillam. .P 31 [8] Newmann,Bill. ‘A Brief Introduction to Theories on International Relations and Foreign Policy’. Retrieved on 02 Dec 14.> [9] Burchill,Scott , Linklater,Andrew, et al. Theories of International Relations. First edition. 1996. New York and London. Macmillam. .P 94 [10] Mingst, Karen and Arreguin-Toft, Ivan M. Essentials of International Relations. Fifth Edition.2011. New York and London. WW Norton Company. P84 [11] Mingst, Karen and Arreguin-Toft, Ivan M. Essentials of International Relations. Fifth Edition.2011. New York and London. WW Norton Company. P69

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Silicon Solar Cell Grid And Bus Bar Design Engineering Essay

Silicon Solar Cell Grid And Bus Bar Design Engineering Essay In this paper, we shall be designing and explaining the process for fabricating the top grid and busbar electrodes for a crystalline silicon solar cell using commercial processing techniques, such as screen-printing. The solar cell must be kept at a minimum of 20.8% conversion efficiency and we must keep our power losses under 8% using commercially available technology and inks. INTRODUCTION Solar cell technology is a rapidly growing form of power generation. There are new and improved processes being developed and understood all the time. In this paper, we will introduce, design, and calculate the properties and a process of fabricating a crystalline silicon solar cell. A solar cell is an electronic device that converts sunlight into electricity, using what is known as the photovoltaic effect. The photovoltaic effect is the basic physical process in which a PV cell converts sunlight into energy. The sunlight, containing photons, strikes the PV cell and are either reflected or absorbed. When the PV cell absorbs a photon with an adequate energy level, an electron is excited to the conduction band, which produces a hole in the valence band. Once the electron-hole pair is formed, the built-in electric field separates the electron from the hole and then the two charges can contribute to current flow in the PV cell. Once this hole is formed a built-in electric field is needed to drive the current to an external load, assuming one is connected. The built in electric field is a property of the PV cell consisting of an n-type (negative) and a p-type (positive) semiconductor formed together. When these two materials, normally positively or negatively doped silicon, are together, they create a pathway for excess electrons in the n-type material to flow to the p-type material. This causes the holes to flow into the n-type material from the p-type material. Through this process of electron and hole flow, the electric field is created and needed to force the electrons to jump to the surface in order to become available for use in the electrical circuit as shown below in figure 1. [1] With light, charge imbalance, generates voltage across terminals No voltage across diode, No Current Load connected, Current flows Figure 1: Different stages of PV cell [2]. Problem: Our job was to design grids and busbars, outline a fabrication process for putting down the grids and busbars on top of the crystalline silicon solar cell using commercial printing inks for making ohmic contacts, and describe the commercial processing techniques we are using, such as screen-printing. Our initial constraints are that the silicon solar cell is a square such that its dimensions are 10cm by 10cm. Also, the cell is such that, when there are no resistive or grid-shadowing losses, it produces a current density of 40 mA/cm2. The cell also produces a voltage of 0.65 V, a fill factor of 80% and an energy conversion efficiency of 20.8%. We are assuming that the sheet resistance of the p layer is 100 ohms/square. We also must calculate the shadowing loss due to the blocked sunlight from the grids and the busbar on the solar cell. In addition to those losses, we must take into account the resistive losses in the top junction layer with the cells sheet resistance, grids and busbar s. While fabricating this solar cell, the losses are to be minimized such that the sum is to be less than 8%. MATHEMATICAL DERIVATIONS In this section the mathematical equations for calculating various losses in the solar cell will be derived. Below in table 1 is the design parameters and constraints given for this solar cell. Parameters given in the design project specifications Parameter Value Description Light-generated current density Open-circuit voltage Fill factor Energy conversion efficiency Sheet resistance of the p-layer Area of the solar cell Table 1: Design parameters for solar cell Using the parameters given above, the optical power incident on the solar cell is given by manipulating the equation into the form which gives . The power generated by the cell is given by . The voltage at the maximum power point Vm is determined by using the following equation: [2]. Using this value of Vm, the current at the maximum power point Im was then determined with the following equation: The losses in the solar cell are caused by resistance in the bus bar, resistance in the fingers, resistance in the base and emitter layers, and shadowing by the bus bar and fingers. The resistivity per square of the ink used in this cell is measured at 25 µm thick [5]. The resistivity of the ink is then calculated by . A MATLAB program was written to help determine the optimum spacing between the fingers of the solar cell. The code that was written can be seen in the back of this paper located in the appendix. The graph generated by the program is in figure 2. C:UsersGenDocumentsEE 332Final ProjectFinger Spacing Chart.png Figure 2: Total Power Loss versus Finger Spacing. From the graph we determined the optimal spacing between fingers to be 2.5mm. The power lost in each finger is given by where Lf is the length of the finger, Sf is the spacing between fingers, à Ã‚ f is the resistivity of the finger, wf is the width of the finger, and df is the height of the finger. A summary of the design parameters used here are shown in Table 2. Once the power lost in each finger is known, the total resistive losses in the fingers can be calculated by multiplying by the number of fingers . The power loss in the bus bar is calculated by where Lb is the length of the bus bar, à Ã‚ b is the resistivity of the bus bar, wb is the width of the bus bar, and db is the height of the bus bar. The power loss in the emitter of the solar cell is calculated by where à Ã‚ em is the resistance per square of the emitter. There are losses due to shadowing of the solar cell caused by the fingers and bus bar blocking light. The shadowing losses is calculated by where Nb is the number of bus bars. The total power losses in the solar cell is then calculated by . We can then determine the percentage of power losses to be which is below the 8% loss specified for this design project. CELL FABRICATION TECHNOLOGIES Cell Fabrication: When it comes to fabrication techniques of solar cells there are a few techniques to pick from. These choices mainly consist of screen printed solar cells, buried contact solar cells, high efficiency solar cells, and rear contact solar cells. For the purpose of this paper the method of choice that will be used is screen printing. The screen printing process can be a cheaper process and is often comprised of fewer steps than other methods. Screen printing has been around for quite some time, though originally designed for printing graphics, advertisements, flyers, etc.; one of these screen printing machines can be seen in figure 2. Figure 2: One of the arms of a machine that holds a screen, squeegee, and ink. [3] As far as the physical screen printing portion of semiconducting devices or in our case a solar cell it is a pretty simple idea. A screen is created in the form of a negative just as film in a camera. Certain areas of the screen allow ink to pass through and others do not. This screen can be made of different materials such as silk, metal, plastics. The screen is used to hold the ink that will be transferred to the target object, in this particular scenario a wafer of crystalline silicon or c-Si. Saw damage etch: After the blocks of silicon are cut into wafers, roughly .5mm thick, the saw leaves behind a residue that was used as a coolant during the cutting process. [2] The wafers get loaded into cassettes so that they can be cleaned as show in figure 3. The wafers are then cleaned in a hot sodium hydroxide bath to remove the contamination left behind. This process removes the first 10 micrometers of silicon which was damaged during the cutting process. Once this has taken place the silicon is then placed into another, more diluted, sodium hydroxide bath which has been mixed with isopropanol as a wetting agent to etch the surface of the silicon wafers. This process gives a very uniform etch rate when c-Si wafers are used as the primary substrate. Figure 3: Multicrystalline silicon wafers in cassettes are ready to be cleaned [2]. Junction formation by doping: The wafers have now been cleaned and are ready to be doped. This process will create an n-type layer on the c-Si. This n-type layer is created by applying a phosphorus coating to the silicon and then firing the wafers. The wafers are in what is called a diffusion coating furnace where the layer of phosphorus is deposited on to the wafers. The wafers are then moved to a different furnace where they are fired at a temperature roughly 800-1000 degrees Celsius. The firing process incorporates the phosphorus layer into the outer surface of the silicon wafer. Edge isolation: Edge isolation is a process in which the newly doped silicon wafers have the front and back sides isolated from each other. This is done by first stacking the wafers together and then loading them in to a plasma etching system. In this system the sides of the wafers will be plasma etched by using CF4 and O2. This process will remove the phosphorus dopant from the sides of the wafers thus separating the two n-type surfaces encompassing the silicon. Anti-reflection coating: One more step is needed before the wafers can begin the screen printing process and this is the application of an anti-reflection coating. This is a very important step because it is this coating that helps to reduce the amount of reflected photons, which in turn helps increase the efficiency of the solar cell.[4] For this step silicon nitride is used via a process called chemical vapor deposition process or CVD. During this process the chemicals are fed into the deposition chamber and they break down and adhere to the wafer. The actual chemical process for this is 3SiH4 + 4NH3 -> Si3N4 + 12H2. [2] Screen printing the rear contact: Now that the wafers have been doped, the front and back have been isolated from each other, and they have been coated with an anti-reflection coating they are now ready to receive the rear contacts. This is done through the screen printing process discussed earlier on in this paper. A screen carrying a metal paste is lowered over the top of the solar cell and then a squeegee pushes the paste through holes, transferring it to the cell in the desired pattern, this can be seen below in figure 4. This process is usually repeated twice for both the front and back sides of the solar cell, each of which both distributing different patterns to the solar cell. The first usually deposits an aluminum mask across the back of the cell to create the back surface field. [2] Figure 4: Squeegee pushing metallic ink across a screen. [2] The cell is then dried in an oven to remove all of the organic solvents and binders before the next screen takes place. The second screen on the back of the solar cell deposits a silver paste which is used for the contacts on the solar cell. After performing the second screen print on the back of the solar cell it is then placed in to an oven and fired at a higher temperature. During this process the metal and wafer are heated to a high enough temperature to destroy the n-layer allowing the metals printed on the cell to become in contact with the p-type silicon itself. Screen printing the front contact: Now that we have printed the back side of the solar cell it gets flipped over for the printing of the conductive fingers and the main busbars. This is the exact same process as explained earlier when printing the rear side of the solar cell except for the fact that the screens will have different designs to create the buss bar and finger system as mentioned. For the purpose of this paper we will be using a DuPont Solamet PV412 ink. The properties of this ink can be seen below in figure 5. Figure 5: Specification sheet for DuPont Solamet PV412 ink. [5] In between these two steps the wafers will be put into a drier around 200 degrees Celsius to dry the ink as said before on the back side. Once the second screen is transferred the wafer will again go back into an oven to fire the chosen metal paste into the silicon. A finished image of the front of a solar cell is shown in figure 6. Figure 6: Front of a finished solar cell [6] TECHNOLOGIES CHOSEN FOR THIS APPLICATION Why screen printing is used: Screen printing technology, where a metal-containing conductive paste is forced through the openings of a screen onto a wafer to form the circuits or contacts, is one of the best established and one of the most mature forms of solar cell fabrication technology. [7] First developed in the 1970s, screen-printing is currently the dominant form of fabrication of photovoltaic modules. [2] While screen printing does reduce the efficiency of a solar cell by 3.5-4% when comparing it to the best and more expensive methods, however, there are advantages to this fabrication method. [6] Some of the key advantages are the technologys simplicity in fabricating the solar cell, its cost-effectiveness and its ease of control. Why silicon is used: Currently, crystalline silicon is the dominant material used in the photovoltaic market, even though silicon does not have optimum material parameters. Specifically, its band gap is a little too low for an optimum solar cell and it has a low absorption coefficient. Due to silicons abundance and its prominence in the manufacturing industry, silicon still makes it difficult for other materials to compete in this market. [8] Why silver is used: Many factors come into play when deciding the material to be used in the solar cell. Some factors include the materials efficiency, its conductivity, its adhesion strength, as well as its cost effectiveness. Silver, being a great conductor of electricity, is used in the contact points. A well-formulated silver paste could have almost 50% higher conductivity compared to other pastes. [9] Silver also has great adhesion strength that meets the general costumer requirements. FINAL FABRICATION PROCESS DESCRIPTION Table 2 is a summary of the final design parameters for this solar cell. Table 2: Final Design Parameters Parameter Value Description Voltage at maximum power output Current density at max power output Maximum power output without losses Resistance per square of the emitter [10] Resistance per square of the ink [5] Resistivity of the ink Spacing between fingers Width of the fingers Height of the fingers Length of the fingers 80 Number of fingers Length of the bus bar Width of the bus bar Table 3 is a summary of the calculated losses of the solar cell associated with the grid and bus bars. Table 3: Calculated Power Losses Power losses due to shadowing Power losses in the emitter Power losses in the fingers Power losses in the bus bar Total power losses Percentage power losses The Final Fabrication After all of the multiple steps of screen printing are completed and the wafers have been fired at the appropriate temperatures for the correct amount of time, the solar cells are complete. Keep in mind that the stages of manufacturing where the wafers are fired must be done correctly to get the desired solar cell. If the temperature is to high this will cause the metals to melt together and make contact with others causing possible short circuit or giving the wafer improper properties. After this process is successfully completed, the cells can then have leads soldered to the back sides of them. This completes production of the physical solar cell and just leaves the process of soldering leads to the back side of the wafers which will allow the cells to be wired in series to achieve the desired output voltage. In conclusion the initial parameters included a minimum of 20.8% conversion efficiency and the power loss was to be kept under 8% by using commercially available inks and technology. We were able to achieve a conversion efficiency of 20.8% and we were able to reduce our power lost to 4.64% by screen printing our c-Si solar cells and also reducing the width while increasing the height of the fingers and busbars. REFERENCES [1] Reprinted from U.S. Department of Energy Photovoltaics Program. [Online]. Available: [Nov. 15, 2012] [2] Christiana Honsberg, Stuart Bowden. Photovoltaic Education Network [Online]. Available: [Nov. 1, 2012] . [3] Phoseon Technology Screen Printing. [Online]. Available: [Nov. 4, 2012] [4] Daniel Nilsen Wright. 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Monday, August 19, 2019

Womens Basketball Association :: Creating Writing Fantasy Essays

Women's Basketball Association Background/Prologue [the future]: It is the year 2010. The WNBA has dropped the 'N' from its name and is now referred to as the WBA. There is some confusion over whether the 'W' refers to Women's or World, since both are used. A tiny line of script beneath the official logo on the WBA website gives the name as the Women's Basketball Association, but World Basketball Association is as apt a name as the other. Unlike the NBA, a strictly national league, the WBA made the decision in the early '00s to begin aggressively expanding. The WBA now has a team in most major American and international cities. The league's growth isn't really surprising given the crop of players over the past decade or so. A few have even risen to superstar status, regularly wowing packed arenas with a combination of style, showmanship and skill that hasn't been witnessed in basketball since the glory days of the men's league. The Plot [The past—'90s]: What really kick-started the stellar growth of the WBA was the discovery of Theresa "The Tiger" Tyson. Theresa iss a high school dropout from West Philly who managed to catch the eye of ---- State recruiter Jerry Krieger (on his way back from a game at Penn) during a fierce pickup game. Being as impressed by her obvious sense and no-nonsense attitude as he was with her deadly hook shot, Krieger manages to finesse a deal with his school. If Tyson gets her high school diploma and stays out of trouble (she was a bit of a hell-raiser), they'd manage to find a place for at ----. Theresa is a motivated young woman, if nothing else. Basketball seems to be her only shot at a decent life for herself and her family. As of now, her future does not look too bright, given her lack of education or marketable skills. Not to mention the fact that she is the oldest of five and one of eight people overflowing a two bedroom apartment in the projects. She works the nightshift at a convenience store, protected by a two-inch layer of bulletproof glass and watched by security cameras trained on the register. Her boss does not trust her because she is African-American and poor. She spends the days sleeping, watching TV and keeping an eye on her siblings and seventy seven year old grandmother. Women's Basketball Association :: Creating Writing Fantasy Essays Women's Basketball Association Background/Prologue [the future]: It is the year 2010. The WNBA has dropped the 'N' from its name and is now referred to as the WBA. There is some confusion over whether the 'W' refers to Women's or World, since both are used. A tiny line of script beneath the official logo on the WBA website gives the name as the Women's Basketball Association, but World Basketball Association is as apt a name as the other. Unlike the NBA, a strictly national league, the WBA made the decision in the early '00s to begin aggressively expanding. The WBA now has a team in most major American and international cities. The league's growth isn't really surprising given the crop of players over the past decade or so. A few have even risen to superstar status, regularly wowing packed arenas with a combination of style, showmanship and skill that hasn't been witnessed in basketball since the glory days of the men's league. The Plot [The past—'90s]: What really kick-started the stellar growth of the WBA was the discovery of Theresa "The Tiger" Tyson. Theresa iss a high school dropout from West Philly who managed to catch the eye of ---- State recruiter Jerry Krieger (on his way back from a game at Penn) during a fierce pickup game. Being as impressed by her obvious sense and no-nonsense attitude as he was with her deadly hook shot, Krieger manages to finesse a deal with his school. If Tyson gets her high school diploma and stays out of trouble (she was a bit of a hell-raiser), they'd manage to find a place for at ----. Theresa is a motivated young woman, if nothing else. Basketball seems to be her only shot at a decent life for herself and her family. As of now, her future does not look too bright, given her lack of education or marketable skills. Not to mention the fact that she is the oldest of five and one of eight people overflowing a two bedroom apartment in the projects. She works the nightshift at a convenience store, protected by a two-inch layer of bulletproof glass and watched by security cameras trained on the register. Her boss does not trust her because she is African-American and poor. She spends the days sleeping, watching TV and keeping an eye on her siblings and seventy seven year old grandmother.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

A Womans Awakening :: essays research papers

The novel The Awakening by Kate Chopin tells the story of a woman who is married and has an awaking of her true feelings. The situation is very complex and Edna cannot handle the complexity of it. In the end she commits suicide. The novel The Awakening by Edna is described as a woman who is strong and able to persue her dreams. The novel also shows how people should live their lives for themselves instead of other people. Chopin uses characterization and symbolism to develop the meaning of the novel The Awakening. Ethan From is seen as a tragic person. He dreams of escaping his farm and living a life outside of Starkfield. Ethan was forced to leave college to care for his aging and ailing parents. He married Zeena because he feared loneliness and felt he owed her something for her help with his parents. Ethans character is described in the beginning of the novel as a man in his fifties, disabled, silent, and a farmer. Physically Ehtan is tall and bent-looking. His circumstances have made him weak. Ethan is a man of bad luck who is in his current situation due to circumstances and not by choice.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Edith Wharton portrays the land in Starkfield as harsh, the people are hard and unfriendly, and poverty as a mean way of life.She uses the landscape to reflect the personality of the characters. Her choice of winter is a symbol of the barrenness of the characters' lives. They are cold and isolated, like the temperature outside. The situations and conflicts are represented by Frome's stony landscape, the old apple trees, and the graveyard. In conclusion, Kate Chopin uses characterization and symbolism to develop the meaning of the novel The Awakening.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Fruit and Calcium Phosphate Ca Essay

Washed, crushed livesnail or kuhol (eggs can also be used)place in a plastic container. Pestle orcrush materials Don’t use hands. Add thesame amount of molasses or Muscovadosugar. Mix sugar in ? container with fishingredients then remaining molasses. Prepare at night to prevent flies frombreeding. Apply directly to thesoil or to the ground, not to the leaves. Keep concoction from direct sunlight. Store in dry coolplace. Cover and keep in a cool place or shadedarea. Drain to extract liquid after 10 to 15days. Transfer liquid into a clean plasticbottles Wait till tiny bubbles disappearbefore sealing the cover before storing. Always leave about ? of bottle empty soIMO can breath. Calcium Phosphate Ca? P(animal bone) Induced flowering, prevent overgrowth. For older plants, it Increase calcium factor on roots and leaves. Calcium Phosphate (Ca? P) is the product which according to the plants’ lifecycle and can be fast? effective. Ca? P is applied when the plants are about to flower. Feed to animals during pregnancy or breeding timeat 200 times dilution. Spray when first flowers comes out. ex: tomato plant , cucumber, eggplant etc. Boil or broil 2 kilos ofanimal bones to separatemeat and fat untilremaining meat to thebone is charcoal blackscrape charred meat andlet it cool. Do not burnthe bone. Ratio 1:10 1 Place bone in a plasticcontainer and pour 5gallons of purecoconut or sugarcanevinegar. Cover for 30days. Filter and used. Keep air tightcontainer. 2 Calcium (eggshell and shells) Strengthen Flowers. Contributes to better utilization of carbohydrates and protein. It is also a major element in forming a cell membrane and enables smooth cell division make fruit hard and sweet. Spray CA on the leaves after the fruits has become large. They prevent overgrowth and get a sweet hard ruit. Add seawater, calcium phosphate or OHN for better taste and aroma of the fruits. It is applied when nitrogen is big. It is the most important ingredients for flowering. Wash and crushedeggshell and take theinside filament or film. Pan fry 2 kilos eggshelluntil brown, set aside andcool. Vinegar first thenpour slowly the eggshells. 1 Wait till the tiny bubbles disappear and stop. Use exact container. Cover and ferment for 20 days. Filter and use keep in airtight container..

Like a Boss

The story is told in third person. Knowledge is unlimited. Third-person limited: The story is told from the viewpoint of one person in the story; A stream of consciousness; the uninterrupted thoughts in a character. First person: The author disappears into one of the characters who tells the story in first person; l. Objective: The narrator disappears into a kind of roving sound camera. This camera can go anywhere but can record only what is seen and heard.Theme: The theme should be expressible in the form of a statement with a subject and a predicate. It is insufficient to say that the theme of a story is motherhood or loyalty to country. Characterization: The various literary means by which characters are presented Indirect Characterization: The author shows us the characters through their actions Direct Characterization: They tell us straight out, by exposition or analysis, what the characters are like, or they have another character in the story describe them.Traumatized: Shown a s speaking and behaving as in a stage play Stock Character: Stereotyped figures who have recurred so often in fiction that we recognize them at once. Static Character: Remains the same person throughout the story Dynamic Character: The developing of a character throughout the story Epiphany: The moment or insight that usually defines the moment of the developing character's change Plot: the sequence of incidents or events through which an author constructs a story. Structure: Sequential arrangement of events in a plotConflict: Clash of actions, ideas, desires or wills. Suspense: The quality in a story that makes readers ask â€Å"What's going to happen next? † Mystery: An unusual set of circumstances for which the reader craves an explanation Dilemma: Position in which he or she must choose between two courses of action, both undesirable. Happy ending: The protagonist must solve her problems, defeat an adversary, win her man, â€Å"live happily ever after. † Indetermin ate: Unresolved. No definitive conclusion is reached. Chance: The occurrence of an event that has no apparent cause.

Friday, August 16, 2019


This paper aims to explore the theme superstition as a form of uncanny mysterious happening that have been witnessed and continue to be witnessed in everyday of our lives. The expression ‘superstition' is sometimes taken to be a simply mean an insult, which is, therefore, not vulnerable to objective meaning and it undoubtedly can be used in this manner. However, when for instance we think through some occurrences that everyone would undoubtedly agree to call superstitious, making doves appear from nowhere, changing clothes to money, waving introvert magpies, saying ‘break a leg', blowing on cards or dice before playing and rolling them, putting on a lucky t-shirt to a baseball match, we shall realize that in fact, they epitomize rather a close and easily clear group. In the above case, the superstition explicitly or implicitly affirms a particular causative connection without comprehending any explanation of it workings. A candidate at an examination, who fails to express confidence because ‘it would bring a misfortune' does not know of the ways by which, the curse would take effect. Someone strolling at night and make a wish on a shooting star cannot tell who or what might hear his or her wish and make it come true. An entrepreneur who once made a bad fortune when there were thorn flowers in the room and who now rejects to have the same in his or her house has no philosophy as to why he or she thinks the thorn flowers are unfortunate, these are just but a few examples to go by. Many people fear the word when they hear someone affiliate with it because they think that it's a source of evil work. Indeed, if by any explanation there were evidences, the word ‘superstition' would no longer seem particularly applicable.Introduction Superstition has had a significant influence in the lives of people probably since the beginning of the world. For centuries, human being have clung to the practices as well as, believes encompassing the uncanny phenomena. The superstitious traditions have continued ever since time immemorial even after pieces of evidence being produced by the work of science to explain what was in the past considered supernatural. Superstitious rituals dating back in the middle ages are still witnessed in practice today. However, the kind of things in superstition like hitting on wood or having a horse shoe hanged at the door did not emanate just like that. They were taken with great significance and were presupposed to have various consequences. Superstition, ad is denoted by the dictionary, thesaurus and oxford, is â€Å"excessively, credulous belief and reverence for the supernatural.† The belief was in no other time greater and excessive as in the middle age period's where a simple blow on your face could send you to unknown destination, a simple sneeze could take someone's life, and witches used broomsticks to fly around at night as well as conjuring spells were done by Jewish sorcerers. The mysterious circumstances in those ancient periods, were put forth by the imaginations of our descendants. In these times, before science had its roots, simple happening were described as mysterious and supernatural. For instance, a simple shadow cast, probably at midnight during moonlight would be considered as a person's reflection of their soul. Sounds at night were considered to be from ghosts and genies and this instilled lots of fear to the generation of the time. There was the personification of natural phenomena in those days. The purpose of this paper is to discover the roots of the uncanny superstition, the beneficial use of it if any to people, the consequences and instances, why was it used and who were using it, the power of the this preternatural phenomenal, the various beliefs among others. The roots of superstitionSuperstition as far as we are concerned is said to have been there from the beginning of mankind. Theories have been put forward to explain this unnatural phenomenon. Firstly, it is thought that superstition comes when a person's desire is beyond their ability in what is called the implorative desire or mind. For instance, if a person is in dire need of a car or money and he or she has no means of obtaining it but then hears of an available psychic or witch somewhere who could make it possible for them to get what they wanted without any struggles. This will eventually drive him or her to the psychic or the witch due to the strong desire and need. Secondly, a fearful mind is also said to be a root of superstition. For instance, a family that has experience consecutive death of their relatives would have some form of fear that would drive them to seek some wizard's intervention for why has it been that there has been the same cause of death for all the relative of theirs. More stories such as this of repetitious and mysterious causes often results into some form of superstition. As human beings, each and every one of us has their own fears as well as wishes. If the two happen to exist then it eventually and likely to lead to superstition unless there is some form of holy intervention in a person. No matter how a person may appear educated, if the mind is filled with a fear and wishes that are beyond their abilities then definitely they would become superstitious. It is natural that part of humans is filled with fear and greed, therefore, on their search for satisfaction and peace people tend to be reliant on their dark side, the superstitious power. The law of Cause and EffectThis is consider to be the law of truth as well as natural concept that people do rarely think about. It is human nature that human beings always want to have the consequence that are disproportionate with the source like craving for something big outside their reach. Absence of self-confidence, uncontrollable wishes, as well as, worries are all what will make people become superstitious. People ought to understand that it's their deeds that cause all effect whether successful or not, rich or poor, either bad or good. Also they should understand no effect is coincidental, from nowhere, it takes diligence and clear mind to achieve. If we make good deeds then the end result is good if we make our deeds bad then there would be no good at the end of it all and such leads to superstitious being. The superstition explicitly or implicitly affirms a particular causative connection without comprehending any explanation of it workings. A candidate at an examination, who fails to express confidence because ‘it would bring a misfortune' does not know of the ways by which, the curse would take effect. It is worth noting that all things in life whether nice or wicked are not merely existent but comes from a cause that we made before (Kim 641-658). Therefore, there is need for good causes in all our endeavors. The law of â€Å"cause and effect† varies from the current to the future life hence is not just an ordinary discipline of study. The big emphasis is that we should proudly as well as, courageously, accept the consequences of our deeds whether they are good or bad without any form of grief, fear or worries because they are what we have sown from the beginning. If we make the cause then even the effect is our end result as well and we should learnt to be responsible of our own self. There is the aim to remain bright and thoughtful while making decision which is the cause so as we prepare for the best effects later that would be easy to accept. By understanding and making believe in the law of cause as well as, effect, we take control of our cause for the upcoming effect. We also make sure that we remain so thoughtful and smart while making our decisions. We are also encourage to keep our greed and fear thought in control as well, for us to be responsible for our deeds.Our superstitious MindA lot of people can attest to have always had their lives threatened at some by the scare warning they were used to hear people say. Things like try as much to avoid encounters with black cats at night, don't go under those sheds of trees or cabins at during late hours, every 13th day coinciding with Friday is a bad lack and so forth. Well, the fact is many believed this to be true and had really avoided such encounters and locked themselves in their houses just to make sure s uch myth are not part of their happenstances. It is said that, these beliefs could happen too those who really and truly believe them to be true and the same is not the case for those who takes them as a mere scare (Vyse 467). However, some of these myth posed a positive effect to the people because they help to shape their behaviors, this is to say, and not all of these superstitious were negative. It was a way to make the mind believe on the wrongs to be avoided and the rights to be done. Nevertheless, there are so many cultures around the world that have hold on to these beliefs to date. Are there certain things that make people to hold on to these beliefs? If yes, how do they perceive them? Are they really things they should hold on? And so forth. There are so many questions that would need answers that would be difficult to find, if we tried get into this and dig deeply. There are several and various extents of superstitions in the world we live in, that we keep hearing of. In this extent, superstitions themselves can be from the smallest actions like people in a casino using simple trick to win money, and other actions that people certainly do to make them avoid back lack and increase their chances of getting what they want, to some big forms like disappearing from sight of audiences. So whether, trying to win, or wearing a lucky scarf and getting out of sight, all these can be considered to be superstitious things because they can never be performed by a normal human being. Being mindful of what we do is a good way to avoiding unwanted consequences in future. A good human being, is one who learns from their past mistakes to make their future a better one than where they are from. The cause and effect is very helpful subject to understand and make good out of it.Three Doors to Freedom from Superstitious MindsHow can we teach ourselves to be free from thought that might be superstitious? Here are better ways to make our intentions right. First we need to understand the doors to our freedom. The emptiness is the first, having no desires is the second and the last is formlessness. Anyone who grasps these situations will have the intelligence see the real truth about every aspect in human existences. These contain no arrangements because they are comprised of combination of various casual features. Based on cause all beings are called â€Å"hollowness† because of their illusory nature. If they have physical systems, then there is no blending. People ought to try and discover the actual form in the make-up. The professional have specified that it compromises of four components, air, the earth, and fire, as well as, water. Therefore, missing either of them, would degenerate the body. And when either of them is the controlling or in other words, the dominant portion, our bodies become functionless. Another issue would be how they can be in line when there is a considerable amount of conflict between them? We therefore got the obligation balance them by having the right foods. Which of the considerations is the overriding in our heads? (Patil 411). It is the beliefs that we hold that give rise to either desirable or the undesirable natures that affect how we involve ourselves in the ways that are not permissive. The three doors emphasized by the theory is the one good way that when observed would allow us to avoid all the thing that pre-occupy of heads with dirty stuffs which shifts our rightful thinking. The way we carry our burdens in our mind, by this is to mean the things that distract us in our everyday life determines how we release them back out to other people. A mind that keeps on wishing without coordinating the body to work hard will always have superstitious thoughts to fulfill the wishes. All said and done, the next thing that can influence our thought to be evil are the people we keep around us. If we have friends who keep suggesting negative motives like stealing, fighting, causing chaos then we would always be driven to the dark side of thoughts. We therefore have to be very mindful of the close people we have because we never know there intentions towards us.Just as earlier mentioned, the big emphasis is that we should proudly as well as, courageously, accept the consequences of our deeds whether they are good or bad without any form of grief, fear or worries because they are what we have sown from the beginning. If we make the cause then even the effect is our end result as well and we should learnt to be responsible of our own selfThe Power of SuperstitionThe phenomenon has been seen to cause more harm than good. Magician who have taken the upfront to using superstition are very capable of doing dangerous stuffs that are very destructive. For instance, we see them in our television performing scary of event that leave us holding our mouths. Imagine if such a person decides to go bad, what harm they would be capable of. aSuperstition in Julius CaesarIn some ancient days, superstition was a significant perception in the Roman times, as it was the fueling force in uncountable actions of the people at the time. To them it was considered a historical believe. The phenomenon was seen as a strengthening factor with their gods. This is well brought up by a play by Shakespeare called Julius Caesar, named after the great ruler of the Romans at the time. Superstition is used in the play repeatedly to foreshadow the death of the ruler by his friend Brutus who eventually as well, kills himself due to conscious guilt. Shakespeare expresses the awareness that many people tried to get the better of what the future held, such as ill-fated events, by being superstitious. This is exceptionally prominent in Julius Caesar, as it effects the day to day regular daily life of the Roman citizens. From ghosts to half-naked and thonged men, nearly every individual had to deal with the uncanny, a mission that many seemed to take as life changing. In Julius Caesar, superstitious motives within the characters change their choices concerning life, revenge, and death (Beckett 17).This was a time in Roman when sex was a glorification and unfertile women would sought help to be able to procreate while, the fertile ones sought more children by use of superstition. We see from the story that Caesar is approached by an old man by the name of Soothsayer who warns him of his coming death by â€Å"the ides of March,† through foretelling but Caesar ignores that by saying he is a dreamer and just as foretold, he is stubbed to death with among them being Brutus, close friend to him. Being a good friend to Caesar, Brutus was blindly lured by Cassius to plot to kill him which they did. Later on, a ghost of Caesar appears to Brutus assuring him that they would meet. Due to this form of superstition, Brutus thought he was meant to die and he took his own life as a result. All This are all instances of superstitions at the time. It also shows how significantly superstition changed the actions of the characters together with how it affected their lives (Chibnall & McFarlane 252).Superstition as a Survival MechanismAs long as superstition is regarded to be involving dark magic and mysterious power it has been of benefit to others mostly in the ancient days where it was used for protection and security to guard against possible enemies. As depicted in various movies and films today, the same was the case though not as exaggerated as such. A lot of people use some ritual emulate to help them do better in what they are working on. They feel that it gives them a boost to motivate them and increase their confidences. Personal superstitious way of thinking is another mechanisms people use to think in some manner that prepares someone to get defense from displeasure, heartbreaks and disappointment. In this regard, the old traditions and cultures use superstitious powers to guard their communities from attack. Possible attackers may never locate their allies in their attempt for an attack also, the same was use by witches to escape when they become hunted down. They would either disappear or make their enemies lose track of them by somehow using their black magic on them and as a result they would be safe. However, due to human nature, some of this was used in the wrong way like making people suffer for no good reason. Also some would use their so called â€Å"super powers† to steal from other without having being notice thereby causing loss of property. Those who have been said to use the phenomenon as a means to survive have also been using it to influence factors to their benefit. If for instance, a bank is demanding payment from such people and they don't have any cash to settle out the loans, they would use paper and make these look like real money then give it to the former who might not even notice. This is just to emphasize that magic and superstition go hand in hand and whatever reason it is used for then there can never be the right form of it because it has had more bad than goodConclusionIn conclusion, this phenomenon called superstition is an influence that is destructive in our society, which, has twisted many people who are worried and nervous, lack of self-confidence, and have a dull thoughts as well as, evil mind. To wish for a healthy society, we can't accept superstition. We have a duty to spread and share the good teachings about self-confidence, of self-emancipation as well as, clarification. So how can we be superstitious? Though, there are many people who will suggest their groups to seek God's interventions when they have problems of any nature. It doesn't matter how many problems there are, there will always be a better way to solve them all.